I’m Lisa,
your Holiday Property
Power Team and Wing Woman! 

I’m a short-term rental business and marketing strategist, with twenty years of experience managing my own short-term, rental business.

I’m the founder of three successful service businesses and I successfully scaled a full-service management company in Cyprus from 0 – 175 villas and apartments in five years, a business I that I managed from the UK for eighteen years, hosting thousands of holiday guests from all over the world.

I support short-term rental business owners wherever they are in their hosting business journey to create a stand-out business brand and implement my proven success strategies to attract the right profitable customers and how to deliver that customer experience efficiently and profitably.

Your short-term rental business strategy is more than just rental bookings, there are many critical moving parts in your business which need to be managed to sustain the growth of a profitable business. Together we will implement systems and strategies to recession-proof your business and build a strong unique brand to win customer loyalty without overwhelm and burnout.

Owning a short-term rental property business can be highly profitable and very rewarding but it can also be hard work and overwhelming without the right strategies in place!

Grab a Free copy of my “Scaling your property management business the ten mistakes to avoid” e-book


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